

Use your train brain!

That's our message to people of all ages to help stay safe around cane trains.

Cane trains operate 24 hours a day, seven days a week during the crushing season. They're on the move to deliver harvested sugarcane to our mills to be crushed and to transport empty cane bins back out to cane sidings to be filled with more cane.

Our large cane railway network includes more than 450 crossings on public roads. That's a lot of opportunities to come across a cane train.

We take seriously our commitment to protect the health and safety of our locomotive crews and members of the public.

Our 'Use your train brain' safety campaign features our catchy "Train Brain Song". You can sing along with the lyrics.

The campaign covers highway billboards, television, radio, print and digital media.  We also visit local kindergartens and schools, and attend other community events, to spread our safety message.

We also have a cane train safety mascot, named Sam, to help remind people to use their train brains.

Using your train brain means: 

  • Be alert for cane trains
  • Obey all signs and signals around our cane railway network
  • Always give way to cane trains