
Our Community Support Program aims to bring meaningful and lasting benefits to the communities in which we operate. We encourage community self-reliance through education and service support.

We support a wide variety of community events, organisations and clubs through financial and/or in-kind donations. Our Community Support Program prioritises causes and activities that reflect who we are and how we operate - health and safety, the environment, youth education and training, the arts and culture, and community.

The program is primarily targeted at the communities in which we own and operate our sugar mills, being the Hinchinbrook and Burdekin shires, and the Proserpine and Sarina districts.

Among the groups, events and initiatives we support are:

  • Brighter Lives Townsville Hospital Foundation
  • Ronald McDonald House Charities North Australia
  • The North Queensland Toyota Cowboys' Adopt-a-School program in the Burdekin
  • Drug and alcohol awareness programs for high school students
  • Agricultural shows and community festivals

Community Support Program applications

When assessing Community Support Program applications, we look for events, programs or activities that will make a positive contribution to one or more of the following areas:

  • Health and safety
  • Environment
  • Youth education and training
  • Arts and culture
  • General community benefit

Support Program applications are assessed year round. Applicants should submit their application at least two months ahead of their planned event or activity. To apply, please complete our Community Support Program application form.

For more information about the Program, contact Wilmar's Community Relations Manager via email

Sponsorship applications

We invest in sponsorships that matter to us and will make a positive difference to the communities in which we operate.

All sponsorship proposals are considered individually and assessed against our sponsorship guidelines. We favour proposals which align with our brand values, include opportunities for our employees to be involved, and reflect our commitment to the community. To request sponsorship, please email your proposal to info@au.wilmar-intl.com

For more information about sponsorships, contact Wilmar’s Community Relations Manager via email.