Breeder nutrition |
Managing the nutritional needs of breeders is critical to their reproductive success. The right supplementation program can result in higher pregnancy rates, higher calving rates and better milk production.
Supplementing breeders with a blend of true protein and crude protein can help boost body condition. Phosphorus supplementation is particularly important because a lactating cow needs up to four times more phosphorus than a steer or a dry cow.
SuplaFlo®+Urea+Phos contains natural protein, crude protein and added phosphorus.
SuplaFlo®+Max Phos is high in phosphorus.
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Why supplement
- Kick-start maiden heifers
For heifers to reach puberty by 12 to 13 months of age, they must receive adequate nutritional intake. - Ensure a sustainable breeding program
Phosphorus plays a key role in enabling cows to conceive again after calving. - Support nutritional demand
A pregnant cow needs twice the amount of phosphorus as a dry cow, while a lactating cow needs up to four times the amount of phosphorus as a dry cow or steer.
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