From our Sarina Distillery in North Queensland, Wilmar Sugar Australia produces the largest amount of ethanol from sugarcane in the country. It’s located around half-an-hour south of Mackay and makes about 60 million litres of ethanol annually. Around 220,000 tonnes of molasses – a by-product of the raw sugar milling process – is sourced from the Burdekin to Sarina to ferment and turn into ethanol.
The Sarina Distillery started operating in 1927. While the primary purpose was initially industrial alcohol, this focus has now shifted to fuel. Since then, and after several upgrades to the facility, a variety of products are produced from the distillery. A majority of what is made is sold to the renewable energy market with up to two thirds of it used in vehicle fuel. The remainder is transported to Wilmar’s Yarraville processing and packing plant.
There, it is upgraded to 100% strength or blended with other solvents to make ingredients for products like nail polish remover, personal care and cosmetics, printing solvents, aerosols, household cleaners, refrigeration brine and pharmaceuticals. A concentrated by-product from the Sarina Distillery is also created into a liquid fertiliser called Bio Dunder® and Liquid One Shot®. By using the liquid fertilisers, growers are able to reduce the industry's dependence on imported potash.
The Sarina Distillery employs around 50 people directly, along with 30 contractors.