We produce a range of natural-protein liquid supplements to suit different cattle classes and seasonal conditions.
Our SuplaFlo® liquid stockfeed supplements are made in Queensland and based on fermented Australian molasses. They contain 10% natural protein1, as well as minerals and micronutrients to support better livestock health and production.
We have products with added phosphorus, with or without urea, and options approved for use in certified organic production systems. Our supplements are naturally bitter, flowable and rain safe.
We specialise in bulk orders, delivered direct to farm.
Our SuplaFlo range is produced at Wilmar’s Sarina Distillery where we ferment Australian molasses to make bioethanol. The co-product of this fermentation process forms the rich base for our stockfeed supplements. It contains yeast, which is a highly digestible protein source for the rumen, as well as a valuable source of trace elements, amino acids and energy for livestock.
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