Update as at 1pm, Monday 29 January.
- All of our sites are open and employees are back at work.
- Fortunately, Cyclone Kirrily had minimal impact to our operations and only minor damage was recorded.
- The cyclone was also not accompanied by the heavy rain that was predicted, so there was no flood impact to our factories, farms or offices.
Update as at 8am, Sunday 28 January.
- All of our sites are open.
- Employees should present to their normal work area tomorrow (Monday 29 January).
Update as at 8am, Saturday 27 January.
- The Disaster Management Team met at 8am today to discuss cyclone impact assessments and site re-opening plans.
- Our teams completed a thorough assessment of their sites yesterday and can confirm Cyclone Kirrily caused only minor damage.
- All sites are open except Inkerman Mill in the Burdekin, which is closed until we finalise safety assessments.
Update as at 8am, Friday 26 January.
- The Disaster Management Team met at 8am today to discuss the impact of Cyclone Kirrily, which crossed the coast just north of Townsville last night.
- Initial assessments are that there was no significant damage to any of our sites, machinery or infrastructure.
- We will conduct detailed assessments today and carry out any work required to make sites safe.
- Our Sarina operations were not impacted by the weather event. Plane Creek Mill, the Sarina BioEthanol Distillery and the Oonooie Plant are open today.
- We will provide an update tomorrow on re-opening plans for our other sites.
Update as at 8am, Thursday 25 January.
The Disaster Management Team met this morning to finalise cyclone preparations ahead of Cyclone Kirrily’s expected crossing near Townsville tonight.
- Proserpine Mill will close at noon today.
- Proserpine farms will stop operations at noon today.
- Plane Creek Mill will close at noon today.
- Plane Creek farms will stop operations at noon today.
- The BioEthanol and AgServices office will close at noon today.
- The Sarina Distillery will continue operating.
- We will continue to monitor conditions closely. Should conditions deteriorate, we will make the decision to shut down the distillery.
Employees who are able to work from home today should do so.
However, we urge all of our people to ensure they have made the necessary preparations for their own safety, and that of their family and friends.
Update as at 4pm, Wednesday 24 January.
The Disaster Management Team met this afternoon to discuss cyclone preparation and site closures.
- Victoria and Macknade mills will close at noon tomorrow (Thursday 24 January).
- The Townsville office will close at noon tomorrow.
- Invicta Mill will be closed tomorrow due to an unplanned power interruption by Powerlink.
- Pioneer, Kalamia and Inkerman mills will close at noon tomorrow.
- Burdekin and Herbert farms will stop operations at noon tomorrow.
- Proserpine Mill, Plane Creek Mill and the Sarina Distillery will be open tomorrow.
Townsville, Burdekin and Herbert employees who are able to work from home tomorrow should do so.
We will provide an update on Proserpine Mill, Plane Creek Mill and the Sarina Distillery tomorrow morning.
Update as at 11am, Wednesday 24 January.
- The Bureau of Meteorology's latest forecast (issued at 10.49am) predicts the tropical low in the Coral Sea will develop into a cyclone tonight.
- The current track map predicts it will cross the coast at Townsville as a Category 2 system tomorrow (Thursday) night.
- Preparation for the for the approaching cyclone and associatied rain event is well under way across our Queensland sites.
- Our Disaster Management Team will meet later today to consider the updated BOM forecast and discuss the closure of sites that are likely to be impacted by the cyclone.