Our Cane Supply and Transport team in the Herbert region staged a mock emergency in the field last week.
It’s an initiative we run every year across all of our milling regions to test the emergency response procedures at each site and ensure a quick response in the case of a real emergency.
Ingham police, fire and ambulance services also attended to make the situation as authentic as possible and help all parties improve current response procedures.
In this scenario, co-ordinated by Herbert Transport Operations Manager Chris Winship, a haulout vehicle failed to give way at a cane rail siding and collided with a locomotive.
The incident involved Wilmar employees and local residents, who took the time to initiate different scenarios and injuries to test the full scope of emergency response.
Injuries included in the scene involved back, neck, and head trauma, broken bones, as well as ‘scene disruptors’, who acted as distressed family members and nearby onlookers, to make the scenario as realistic and immersive as possible for the recovery crew.
Overall the team was well coordinated, with a quick response time to the emergency, and the exercise served as an important learning opportunity for all involved.