
We've reached the 70 per cent mark for the 2020 season.

Our eight mills have processed a total of 10.48 million tonnes of cane – more than two-thirds of the estimated 15.07 million tonne crop.

Based on the current crop estimate, and no significant weather delays, we expect to finish the season by the end of November.


• Factory performance has been strong, with weekly throughput generally topping 200,000 tonnes.
• Occasional showers are keeping CCS levels slightly below budget, but the crop is holding to estimate.
• At this stage, we expect to finish the season in late November.


• Continued fine weather is enabling the harvesting and milling sectors to make good headway with the crush.
• CCS continues to climb and is trending above budget.
• We currently expect crushing to be finalised at all four Burdekin mills by late November.


• CCS continues to trend upwards, with the weekly average just shy of 15 units.
• Harvesting conditions also remain favourable and mill performance has been strong overall.
• At this stage, the mill is on track to finish the season by mid November.


• Average weekly CCS is trending above 15 units for the second week running.
• Bin weights have dropped slightly this week, but the crop estimate is holding overall.
• We currently expect to finish the season by mid November.

General Manager - Cane Supply and Grower Relations